Snapshots of Russia's most recent history

The first historical exhibition devoted to the Stalinist repressions. A woman former prisoner of the GULAG against a background of stands with biographies of victims of Stalinism. Moscow, 1988

Up to 100,000 people rally on Manezh Square in Moscow in support of democratic reforms and Boris Yeltsin. 1990

Tanks deployed on Kalinin Prospect in central Moscow during the abortive putsch against Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev. 19 August 1991.

Former putschists Dmitry Yazov, Oleg Shenin, Vladimir Kryuchkov, and Oleg Baklanov, surrounded by their supporters, on the eve of their trial. 14 April 1992.

The monument to Stalin's henchman Dzerzhinsky and a portrait of Lenin on the facade of the KGB headquarters on Lubyanka Square. Moscow, the 80’s.

World-famous cellist Mstislav Rostropovich among a crowd of Muscovites celebrating the defeat of the anti-Gorbachev putsch on Lubyanka Square, where the monument to Dzerzhinsky had just been demolished. 22 August 1991.

Russia - Photo exibition of Dmitry Borko in RFE/RL office, Prague. The 1993 constitutional crisis. 3 October 1993.

The 1993 constitutional crisis. Those who rallied to defend the dissolved Supreme Soviet carry out of firing range people injured during the storm of the White House by government troops. 4 October 1993.

Trans-Dniester, the 1992 armed conflict with Moldova. A serviceman of the army of the self-proclaimed Trans-Dniester Republic during the armed conflict with the Moldovan armed forces. 1992.

Trans-Dniester, the 1992 armed conflict with Moldova. A border post on the main highway along the River Dniester that constitutes the de-facto border between Moldova and the breakaway Trans-Dniester Republic.

Chechnya. Future President Djokhar Dudaev at a meeting with elders whom he tries to persuade to pledge their support for him. 1991.

Chechnya. Volunteers for President Dudaev's planned military units at a former police station. 1991.

Russia - Photo exibition of Dmitry Borko in RFE/RL office, Prague. Trans-Dniester, the 1992 armed conflict with Moldova. A meeting outside Moscow's notorious Matrosskaya Tishina prison in support of Mikhail Khodorkovsy, former CEO of the YUKOS oil major,

Writer Eduard Limonov, former world chess champion Garri Kasparov and former Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov, the leaders of the "Other Russia" opposition movement, during the first March of Dissent in Moscow. December 2006.

An Anti-Capitalism march staged by left-wing youth organizations in Moscow.17 September 2005.

Members of Eduard Limonov's radical National-Bolshevik Party, founded in 1994, during the 2005 Anti-Capitalism march in Moscow.

Communist Party supporters mark the anniversary of the 1917 October Revolution in central Moscow. 7 November 2005.

Russian fascists gather in central Moscow to mark the birthday of Adolf Hitler. 21 April 2007.

Sergei Udaltsov, leader of the Vanguard of Communist Youth, at a meeting of the united opposition in Moscow. 11 June 2007.

Police use force to disperse people who gathered on Pushkin Square in Moscow to take part in a March of Dissent. 14 April 2007.

Journalist Anna Politkovskaya is surrounded by police during a banned rally in Moscow less than two months before she was murdered. 19 August 2006.

The gathering in Moscow on the day of Politkovskaya's killing. 7 October 2006.